Kelly Lorenzen

Podcast 101 with Kelly Lorenzen of KLM Consulting

Have you ever had an idea or a need for your business and didn’t know where to start figuring out how to make it happen? Enter Kelly Lorenzen of KLM Consulting. As a full-scale business project manager, Kelly specializes in helping small businesses “wherever they need it.” Kelly’s goal is to give back the one thing her clients often need most – TIME. By improving existing practices through training and consulting, or designing entirely new practices in order to improve workflow, KLM Consulting really can do it all.

Collaboration Is Key

One of the ways in which Kelly has been so successful is by connecting with other small businesses. For her, bringing people together to foster and build community is one of the most important parts of her business. The primary way she does this is with Collaborative Connections, her live radio show that is converted to a podcast, then posted on her website and on podcast platforms, as well as YouTube and a blog post – so much fresh content from one show!

Each show focuses on various business topics and fostering collaboration between her clients and others in the community. The result? It’s 3 fold; it is a value add for Kelly’s clients, all guests get to highlight their business, and guests and listeners alike walk away with a tip and/or a new resource for their business.

If starting a podcast has been on your mind, we’ve got Kelly’s best advice on why you should get started and the best way to do it.


When it comes to actually creating a podcast, Kelly says not to let the technical side slow you down.

“Outsource what you don’t know / what is slowing you down. The value of the podcast is having it out there, not in learning how to produce it. Having a professional do the technical side will make the process much more smooth.

Kelly relies on Phoenix Business RadioX to host and produce her live radio show and podcast. They take care of everything – not only is it professional quality, but the final product includes all the bells and whistles so it’s fully optimized as well.

Best Advice

“Just do it! Jump right in and start. You can always change your strategy later. Don’t become paralyzed trying to figure out the best approach.”

Her other important tip is to leave your opinions at home. Listening to someone on a soapbox is only going to keep someone entertained for so long. Focus on creating a collaborative space with varying topics and opinions in order to keep your audience interested. In addition, be sure to provide value for your listeners with free tips, information, and good advice.

Listen In

Our very own Heather Locke of Hammersmith Support, along with several other small business owners, was featured on the Collaborative Connections Radio Show to discuss the importance of technology in this digitally-focused time. Listen here!

Let Hammersmith Support Help

Got questions about how you can add podcasts to your website? Thinking your site may need some additional work? We’re here to help! Book your free 30 minute consultation to talk through all your questions.