green color block Web Hosting 101 why we love WP Engine

Website Hosting 101

What is website hosting? If you’ve ever built a website, or even needed support for your site, you’ve probably had to answer the question “where is your site hosted?”. To break it down, a website host is a service provider that administers the technologies and services needed for a website to be viewed on the internet. It’s kind of like a rental space for a business – except it’s the virtual space for your website.

Why Does the Site Host Matter?

Take for example the content delivery network; if a potential client clicks on your URL….and waits….and waits…and the site loads oh-so-slowly, the chances of them sticking around until the site loads are slim to nil. A great CDN will ensure that no matter where a person visits your site from, it will always load quickly and completely. Another potential deal-breaker? Security. That all-important “s” in “https” is a Secure Socket Layer. It’s the security guard for your site ensuring that your visitor’s information stays safe. Even if you don’t take credit card information, your site is still vulnerable to hackers stealing contact information. Or even general malware that takes your site down.

Why Hammersmith Support Uses WP Engine

At Hammersmith Support, we exclusively use WP Engine hosting. It is the best value for the price by including sturdy basics like Global Edge security, a managed content delivery network, and award-winning support. For us, WP Engine Hosting is the perfect partnership for us to support our client’s websites because we know we are managing our client’s sites with a top-of-the-line product.

Ready to Get Started?

Schedule your complimentary 30-minute consultation and let’s talk about how Hammersmith Support can help you.